Monday, October 15, 2012

Writers Block

So today I went outside with the intention of sucking in all the inspiration that the glorious outdoors have to offer... but instead ended up filling a page of my notebook with random "doodles". I'm not sure where my inspiration has run off to... I haven't been able to write like I used to. My "glory days" were probably back when I was writing my first big novel... which still needs edited. Anyway, that was about... two, three years ago. I remember getting so sucked into that book... Anyway, I hope that someday soon I will be able to write like I used to... something smells strange... like melting plastic... well now it smells more like nachos. Okay then... moving on.
So... if there are any writers reading this... what do you do when you have writers block? What helps inspire you, or helps you get back into writing when you haven't written in a long time? I have been writing some lately, but not as much as I'd like and I'm still lacking that... I don't know. That inspiration and excitement you get when you're really into your writing... Anyway, if you have any suggestions, please leave them in a comment.
And by the way, I was going to post a list of book or movie recommendations but I ended up writing this instead... haha. Guess I'll get to the recommendations in my next post.

Friday, October 12, 2012


So... seeing as this is my first post I suppose I'll start by saying a little bit about myself. Firstly, my name is Piper, obviously. I like to read and write and am currently writing several novels... I hope to one day be a published author, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen for quite some time. So, until then, I'll blog.
A few random things about me? Well, I love to drink tea, almost any kind of tea is great. I love black cats and have one named Jaina, whom I love dearly. Recently I have taken up the hobby of sketching and found that I'm not so bad at it. I especially love to draw anime and hope to one day be super awesomely good at it. My favorite food is most likely lasagna... most likely. It might not be though... you may never know. Let's see... this year I saw The Dark Knight Rises and I thought it was awesome. So yeah, I like The Dark Knight Rises. I also like chocolate. Who doesn't? I love to read... wait, I already said that... well on that note, I have a growing library of books and I haven't been reading as much as I ought lately so I need to do that. Yeah, that was just a little note for myself right there. Gotta read more. Anyway, moving on...
I absolutely love nature and exploring outside. I may not do a lot of exploring these days but I still love it. I like cute little creeks with waterfalls flowing into them and grassy fields filled with wild flowers. I also love thunderstorms, especially Summer thunderstorms. Oh, and the smell of rain. It's glorious. Another thing about me, I used to (and I must admit still am to a certain degree) be obsessed with cool, crisp mornings with dew on the grass. When I was younger I would start writing books (which never got very far) and they almost always started out with a girl waking up and then stepping out onto her balcony into the cool crisp morning. And then it would go on to explain the girl getting dressed and I always loved explaining her outfit in detail. Haha.
I also used to torture small rodents and insects when I was a wee lass... yes, I once smashed a toad to death with a  broom and poked a mole to death with a stick... and put salt on a slug... and pulled the lights off of lightning bugs... so yeah, I was a crazy little girl! But don't worry, I treat the little critters with much more respect now that I'm a responsible adult... except for spiders... and other bugs that I might find harmful/unattractive...
 And now maybe you'd like to know my music interests. Nah, that's in the "About Me" area, isn't it... okay then, perhaps you'd like to know that I am second to the youngest of 9 and am an aunt of 18! Yeah, I'm just cool like that. Big families are awesome. It's kind of funny/sad that some people think 4 kids is a big family now days!
And finally, last but certainly not least, I am a Born again, Spirit-filled, one sin seperates you from God Christian and I love the Lord with my whole heart!
And on that note... peace out!